Halilit Collection 2024

BABY RATTLE A perfect size and shape for tiny hands, with a transparent bellshaped prism to entertain and visually stimulate. TUBE SHAKER BABY SHAKER Unique Tube Shaker, strong and light with textured easy grip for small hands. Delightful to hold and swirl. Colourful beads that create gentle soft sounds. Ideal for little hands. MP46636 // 7290002582137 // 3m Product: 22X24X10 cm / 1.30 kg | Master: 432 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 16.03 kg MP10216 // 7290006631473 // 3m Product: 22X24X10 cm / 1.481 kg | Master: 192 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 18.83 kg MP36724 // 7290006631367 // 3m Product: 22X24X10 cm / 1.47 kg | Master: 288 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 16.64 kg 41