Halilit Collection 2024

WAVE DRUM Attractive Wave Drum with a special textured wave-like rim. Gently tilt the Wave Drum and listen to the soft gentle sound of soothing ocean waves. MP483 // 7290002582151 // 12m Product: 22.5X2.3X22.5 cm / 0.228 kg | Master: 12 pcs / 30.5x24x25.5 cm / 3.11 kg Gentle Ocean Sounds 1050 YEARS OF MUSIC OCEAN DRUM Gentle marine sounds created by fast or slow movement of beads in this drum let children’s imagination dive into a magical underwater paradise. MP486 // 7290006631251 // 12m Product: 17.8X2.3X21 cm / 0.145 kg | Master: 12 pcs / 37.7x16x20.2 cm / 1.97 kg